The Proposal by Anton Chekhov : Question Answer

Tittle of The Proposal: Significant & Justified

The title of Anton Chekhov’s play, “The Proposal,” is significant because it refers to the central event of the play: the proposal of marriage that Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov makes to Natalya, the daughter of his wealthy neighbor Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov.

The title is significant because the proposal sets the stage for the conflict and tension that drives the action of the play. Lomov’s proposal is not a simple declaration of love, but rather a complicated negotiation that involves matters of property, pride, and social status. Throughout the play, Lomov and Natalya engage in a series of heated arguments about trivial matters, such as the ownership of a piece of land, which escalate into shouting matches and threaten to derail the proposal altogether.

The title is also significant because it reflects the themes of the play, which revolve around the complexities and contradictions of love and marriage. The proposal is not simply a romantic gesture, but a pragmatic decision that is driven by societal pressures and financial concerns. The play explores the tensions between love and reason, passion and propriety, and ultimately suggests that true love can only be achieved when these tensions are resolved.

In summary, the title of “The Proposal” is significant because it encapsulates the central event of the play and reflects its themes of love, marriage, and societal pressures.

Textual References: (in points)

The proposal of marriage in the play sketches the picture of contemporary social life in Russia. In the play, the author draws a thumbnail sketch of his contemporary society. The play’s central theme of marriage is presented in the comic wrapping .

The Proposal in the Centre of the Play:

The play explores the comic situation that arises in the course of a marriage proposal made by Lomov to Chubukov’s daughter. The play lands a carefully contrived plot and attempts to provide no solution to the dramatic complication. Chekhov’s handling of comedy attempts to provide no solution to the dramatic crisis, but merely holds up the mirror to the artificial resolution of conflict through a perfunctory proposal of marriage.

The title of the play exposes the following themes:

A. Non-Romantic Nature of Marriage :

Through the contract of marriage as it is proposed from one landed-farmer to another, Chekhov exposes the non-romantic nature of marriage as it occurs as a social practice.

B. Marriage as a Convenient Business Deal :

The point Chekhov is trying to make, is that marriage is more of a convenient business deal subscribed to by society, rather than a romantic union between two people.

C. Hollowness of Marriage :

Chekhov resorts to satire in order to bring out the hollowness of marriage as a social institution. Chekhov underscores no bitterness with his observations, instead through the mounting absurdity in the play, he offers his audience a sincere food for thought.

D. Marriage on the Level of Farce : 

Within the tight structure of the play, Chekhov puts the focus on marriage as convenience and treats his theme at a level of farce.

Character of Natalya in The Proposal: 

Natalya is a character in Anton Chekhov’s play “The Proposal.” She is a young woman who is the daughter of Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov, a wealthy landowner. Natalya is portrayed as being very intelligent and well-educated, but also very emotional and impulsive.

Throughout the play, Natalya is courted by Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov, a neighbor who is interested in marrying her. Although Natalya is initially resistant to the idea of marrying Lomov, she eventually becomes convinced that he is the perfect husband for her.

Despite her initial reservations about Lomov, Natalya is portrayed as being very passionate and emotional, and she is easily swayed by her feelings. She is also very intelligent and well-educated, and she is quick to point out flaws in other people’s arguments.

Overall, Natalya is a complex and multi-dimensional character who is both intelligent and emotional, and who is capable of both love and manipulation.

Textual References: 

In Anton Chekhov play The Proposal Natalya is the heroine of the story. Natalya is one of the central characters in the play. Her character in the play registers volatile emotions. Natalya is a girl of full of diverse personality.

A. Young Lady: Natalya is the daughter of Chubukov. She is 25 years old young Lady.

B. Immature Attitude: Natalya reveals a kindred obsession about property ownership. She represents class attitudes rather than full-grown person.

C. Conservative & Quarrelsome : Natalya is very quarrelsome girl and she has a high class conservative personality of complexion.

D. Wealthy Daughter: Natalya is a beautiful daughter of a wealthy father.

E. Central Character: Natalya is the central character of the play. The Proposal of marriage revolves around her character. She is the heroine of the play.

F. Natalya in the Eyes of Lomov : Lomov thinks he should marry Natalya. She is a beautiful girl who is

i) Excellent Housekeeper: Natalya is an excellent housekeeper. Lomov thinks she could manage the household very well.

ii) Not Bad Looking: Natalya is a beautiful girl.

iii) Well Educated: Natalya is well educated girl.

Lomov thought that Natalya was well educated, but she did not seem to be so.

F. Short-Tempered : She is very Short-Tempered and quarrelsome girl.

G. Argumentative/ cantankerous : Natalya is very cantankerous girl and if she finds out any complaint, she becomes very argumentative. The quarrel of Natalya and Lomov about Oxen Meadow and Dogs are the result of their arguments.

H. Love-Sick Cat : She is desperate to fall in love. Her father called her a love-sick cat.

》Role of Natalya :Natalya plays a significant role with her class attitude and appearance. creates an atmosphere of laughter with her behaviors. She is not like a real girl. She is a farcical character who mocks the institution of marriage.

Conclusion : Natalya is the central character of the play. The Proposal of marriage revolves around her character. Above all, with her all qualities mentioned above she is the heroine of the play.

Character of Lomov in The Proposal :

Lomov is a character in Anton Chekhov’s play “The Proposal.” He is a nervous and easily excitable young man who is interested in marrying Natalya, the daughter of his wealthy neighbor, Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov.

Lomov is portrayed as being very formal and polite, but also somewhat awkward and bumbling. He is prone to getting flustered and confused, especially when he is put under pressure. Despite his nervousness, however, Lomov is determined to marry Natalya and he is convinced that she is the perfect wife for him.

Throughout the play, Lomov is involved in a series of arguments with Natalya, mostly about trivial matters such as the ownership of a piece of land. These arguments often escalate into shouting matches, and Lomov becomes increasingly agitated and desperate as he tries to win Natalya’s hand in marriage.

Overall, Lomov is portrayed as a sympathetic but somewhat comical character, whose nerves and awkwardness make him an unlikely hero. Despite his flaws, however, he is ultimately successful in his quest to marry Natalya, and the play ends with the two of them happily engaged.

Textual References: (in points)

In Anton Chekhov’s play The Proposal, Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov is the central character of the play. He is a young unmarried man of thirty five years old. He also suffers from a number of ailments the visitations of which holds up his character in a comic light. He is presented in a various way – prententious, proud, impetuous, hysterical, argumentative, hypochondriac, comic.

A. Central Figure : Lomov is the main character of the play. His role in the play makes him the central person in The Proposal. His marriage proposal to Natalya is the main theme of the play.

B. Comic Character: Lomov is very argumentative and very nervous. He suffers from a number of ailments that make him a funny character.

C. Young Unmarried Man : Lomov is a man of 35 years old. He is unmarried with a critical age. He wants to marry his neighbor Natalya not because he loves her but he have to marry her to lead a family life.

D. Principle of Ownership: Lomov is obsessed with concern for his principle of ownership. He is a responsible landowner. He is very much conscious of his rights.

E. Volatile Emotions: Lomov’s character in the play registers volatile emotions. He is obsessed with property argument and ownership.

[ You can elaborate your answer by adding the following characteristics below ]

F. Pretentious :

G. Argumentative :

H. Hypochondriac:

â–  Role of Lomov : Lomov is the most important character in the play. His character represents no-romantic nature of marriage. He holds up the mirror to the artificial resolution of conflict through a perfunctory proposal of marriage.

Character of Chubukov in The Proposal 

Chubukov is a character in Anton Chekhov’s play “The Proposal.” He is a wealthy landowner and the father of Natalya, a young woman who is courted by Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov, a neighbor who is interested in marrying her.

Chubukov is portrayed as a practical and business-like man who is primarily concerned with his wealth and social status. He is initially supportive of Lomov’s courtship of his daughter, but becomes increasingly exasperated by the couple’s constant bickering and arguments.

Throughout the play, Chubukov tries to intervene in Natalya and Lomov’s arguments, often taking one side or the other in an attempt to resolve the dispute. However, his efforts are usually in vain, as Natalya and Lomov are both stubborn and quick to anger.

Despite his sometimes gruff demeanor, Chubukov is ultimately shown to have a soft spot for his daughter and is willing to do whatever it takes to make her happy. In the end, he is relieved when Natalya and Lomov finally agree to marry, and he looks forward to the union of the two families.

Textual References: (in points)

In Anton Chekhov’s play The Proposal, Chubukov is a land owner and father of a beautiful girl, Natalya. His role as a responsible father and as man in the play is very significant to sum up the themes of the play. His character is merged with distinguished characteristics.

A. Astute Businessman: Chubukov is an astute businessman who keeps at heart the interest of his property and his daughter. Like all business deals, he even looks for the lucrative aspects in Natalya’s marriage.

B. Chubukov as a Father: Chubukov’s character as a good father is an ambiguous one. We get different characteristic of his fatherhood.

C. Landowner: Chubukov is a wealthy man. He has big property.

D. Class Attitude: Chubukov represents class attitudes rather than full-grown personalities.

E. Greedy: Chubukov is a character with a common platform of acquisitive greed. He wants his daughter to be married with Lomov, as he is wealthy man.

ROLE OF CHUBUKOV : Chubukov plays the role of a sensible father, who is worried about his grown up daughter, Natalya. Anton Chekhov, through the character of Chubukov, expresses that marriage is more of conventional business deal subscribed to by society rather than romantic union between two people.

Question: Describe the character of Chubukov as a sensible father.

In Anton Chekhov’s play “The Proposal,” Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov is portrayed as a sensible father who is primarily concerned with the well-being of his daughter, Natalya.

Chubukov is a wealthy landowner who is well-respected in the community, and he takes his responsibilities as a father very seriously. Throughout the play, he is shown to be practical, level-headed, and business-like, always looking out for his family’s best interests.

One of Chubukov’s most notable qualities is his sense of pragmatism. He is not swayed by sentimentality or romantic notions, but instead focuses on practical matters such as money, property, and social status. He is keenly aware of the financial benefits that would come from a marriage between Natalya and Lomov, and he encourages the match for this reason.

Despite his practicality, however, Chubukov is not heartless or unfeeling. He genuinely cares for his daughter and wants to see her happy, and he is willing to make compromises and concessions in order to achieve this goal. For example, when Natalya and Lomov are arguing over a piece of land, Chubukov intervenes and tries to find a solution that will satisfy both parties.

In short, Chubukov is portrayed as a sensible father who is practical, level-headed, and caring. He puts his family’s best interests first, but is not blind to their emotional needs and desires.

Questions:. Describe the argument between Lomov and Natalya over superiority of their dogs.

In Anton Chekhov’s play “The Proposal,” the argument between Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov and Natalya Stepanovna over the superiority of their dogs is one of the central conflicts of the play.

The argument begins when Lomov compliments Natalya on her dog, a setter named Squeezer. Natalya immediately responds by bragging about the qualities of her dog and criticizing Lomov’s hound, Guess. This leads to a heated argument, as Lomov becomes defensive and insists that his dog is superior.

As the argument escalates, Lomov and Natalya become increasingly irrational and emotional, with Lomov accusing Natalya of insulting his dog and Natalya accusing Lomov of being jealous of Squeezer. They begin to shout and talk over each other, with neither willing to back down.

The argument becomes so intense that it threatens to derail the proposal altogether, with Lomov storming out of the room at one point and threatening to leave the house. However, Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov intervenes and tries to defuse the situation, pointing out the absurdity of the argument and urging Lomov and Natalya to make up.

Ultimately, the argument over the dogs serves as a metaphor for the larger conflict between Lomov and Natalya, which is driven by petty disagreements and a lack of communication. The argument highlights the irrationality and absurdity of their feud, and underscores the need for compromise and understanding in any relationship.

Textual References: (in points)

The play explores the comic situation that arises in the course of a marriage proposal. The quarrel regarding the superiority of the dogs is too a comic element in the play.

Quarrel on the Superiority of Dogs :

Lomov and Natalya gets a second chance at veering the subject again towards the romantic proposal. However, instead of an untroubled communication of the proposal, they start bickering once more with each other. This time the argument centres on the superiority of their respective hunting dogs named Guess and Squeezer.

Points of Argument : 

According to Lomov, his dog Guess is a first-rate dog. This turns to be an argument for claiming superiority of their respective dogs. Natalya demands that their dog, Squeezer is better than Lomov’s Guess. They argue over the price of the dogs, their pedigree, their hunting capability and even the proportions of their jaws.

Various Points of Argument/ Quarrel:

Price 》Lomov argues he paid a higher price to buy Guess compared to Squeezer.

Size 》Lomov says that Squeezer is overshot than Guess.

Age 》Natalya mentioned Guess has become old.

Pedigree 》Natalya asserts that their dog Squeezer has a good breeding, whereas Lomov’s dog has no pedigree.

Hunting Capacity》Lomov says Guess is a great hunter but Squeezer is not a good hunter.

Proportions of their jaws》

Significance of the Dog Episode:

Their stupid arguments make the play hilarious. A trivial argument gets more important than a marriage proposal. Through the Dog episode Chekhov exposes the non-romantic nature of marriage as it occurs as a social practice. Chekhov resorts to satire in order to bring out the hollowness of marriage as a social institution.

Question: Why did Lomov want to marry Natalya?

In Anton Chekhov’s play “The Proposal,” Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov wants to marry Natalya, the daughter of his wealthy neighbor Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov, for several reasons.

Firstly, Lomov is attracted to Natalya and is in love with her. He believes that she is a suitable match for him and that they will be happy together. He also values her intelligence and education, which he sees as assets that will benefit him in his life and career.

Secondly, Lomov is interested in Natalya’s social status and wealth. He believes that by marrying her, he will be able to improve his own position in society and secure his financial future. He is particularly interested in the piece of land that Natalya’s family owns, which he hopes to acquire through the marriage.

Finally, Lomov is also motivated by societal pressures and expectations. He believes that it is his duty as a young man of means to marry and start a family, and that Natalya is a suitable candidate for this role.

Overall, Lomov’s desire to marry Natalya is motivated by a combination of love, social ambition, and duty. However, throughout the play, his motives are complicated by his nervousness and anxiety, which often lead him to bicker with Natalya and threaten the success of the proposal.

Textual References: 

Lomov thinks he should marry Natalya. Because She is a beautiful girl who is

i) Excellent Housekeeper: Natalya is an excellent housekeeper. Lomov thinks she could manage the household very well.

ii) Not Bad Looking: Natalya is a beautiful girl.

iii) Well Educated: Natalya is well educated girl.

Lomov thought that Natalya was well educated, but she did not seem to be so.

iv) Only Option: Natalya the neighbor of Lomov; and she is only suitable girl at the neighborhood, he think that he could get married.

Lomov thinks that he should get married because he is much older and this is the right time to get married. He is interested in marriage because of two reason:

A) His Critical Age : Lomov is much older and he is still unmarried at the age of 35.

B) Leading a Regular Life : He wants to marry Natalya not because he loves her but he requires to marry her to lead a quiet and regular family life.

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