She had Beautiful eyes but they were of no use to her : The Eyes Have It Question Answer

 She had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use” – Bring out the significance ( irony) of the title of ‘The Eyes Have It’ in the light of the line.

Or, “ She had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use” – Whose eyes are mentioned here ? Why were they useless to her ? Bring out the irony in the line. / Bring out the irony of the beautiful eyes in this line.


Answer :

  In this line the eyes mentioned here are of the blind girl who was travelling in the train up to  Saharanpur.

                   The eyes were useless to her because she was blind and her eyes have no vision to look at . She had the eyes without vision to see. They were only a physical organ for her, they do not have any purpose as others have in their lives. In that sense, the eyes of the girl was useless to her, as they had no use in her life because of her blindness.  

                 Ruskin Bond in his ‘The Eyes Have It’ provided the irony of beautiful eyes. The young man and the girl were unaware of their individual blindness. The discovery of her blindness comes as an ironical twist at the end of the story.  The blind narrator was thinking that the girl could  see. After the girl left the train the narrator discovered that the girl too was blind like him. A gentleman got into the train and told the narrator that the girl had beautiful eyes but she was blind. This irony of situations makes this story significant enough that the title becomes an ironical presentation of two blind person who were acting like they can see.


□ Who said this to whom  ?

The passenger who enter the 10 compartment at Saharanpur said this to the narrator.

□ Who is ‘She’ ?

Here she is the blind girl who has troubling from Rohana to Saharanpur in the train compartment.

□ Whose beautiful Eyes are mentioned here  ?

In this line the eyes mentioned here are of the blind girl who was travelling in the train up to  Saharanpur.

□ Why are the eyes useless to her ?

The eyes were useless to her because she was blind and her eyes have no vision to look at . She had the eyes without vision to see. They were only a physical organ for her, they do not have any purpose as others have in their lives. In that sense, the eyes of the girl was useless to her, as they had no use in her life because of her blindness.

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