Official Letter Writing Format

 Supplementary Note on Official Letter


The Head

( Address)

            Subject- ( Subject )


         With due respect, I __, (a resident of ______ village / a student of Class X/XII, Roll No. ___) , want to draw your attention to the matter of (Subject) . I am writing this letter to inform you about (it). I am very hopeful that you can handle this situation very easily. As the matter is concerned, I think that it is only you who can help (me/us) out of the situation. You have supreme power to protect the responsibility of  the context. I need your approval and permission for (it).

 Therefore, I am requesting you to take necessary steps to ensure the matter. I know you will investigate this matter personally. And I truly believe that you will be kind enough to look forward for (this). 

Please do the needful for the purpose and oblige.

Thank you.



Yours Sincerely,  

( Full Name of the Letter Writer) 

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