Fable Class 10 Questions Answers

Title of the Poem

The word fable means a piece of writing that is going to teach a lesson. It also means a short story or poem that teaches a moral education. The title of the poem Fable means a poem with a lesson or moral.

Theme of Fable

Some of the major themes of the poem are listed as below:

• Big things are made of small units.

• In this world everything living or nonliving big or small have their individual reasons for existence.

• Everything on this earth have its role to play.

• Everyone has a particular purpose and place in this world.

• Everything god created there is a reason.

• Everything on this earth has an importance.

• Size does not matter.

• Everyone has different talents.

Questions Answers :

1. What is the meaning of the title fable ?

A fable is a story or a poem that teaches

us a lesson or a fable is a piece of writing that is going to teach us a lesson

2. What was the quarrel or who had the quarrel ?

There was a quarrel between the mountain and the squirrel that the mountain called the squirrel a little prig.

3. What does the word prig refers to ?

Here the word prig refers to this squirrel.

4. What does the word prig means in the poem ?

The word prig means one who put an appearance of being morally correct. here in this poem prig refers to the squirrel.

5. Who is referred to as Bun ?

The squirrel is referred to as bun in the poem.

6. Who called whom a little prig ?

The mountain called the squirrel a little prig.

7. Who thinks the mountain is doubtless big ?

The squirrel thinks that the mountain is doubtless big.

8. ” And I think it no disgrace. ” – What is not a disgrace to the squirrel and why?

To occupy one’s own place is not a disgrace to the squirrel because the squirrel thinks everything on the universe has individual reason for existence.

9. What does the word spry mean ?

The word spry means full of life and energy. It refers to the squirrel.

10. What does the poet mean by saying talent differs ?

By saying ‘talent differs’ the poet means to say everything and everyone on the world has different talents and abilities to perform.

11. What does the poor signify by saying “to occupy my place” ?

By saying “to occupy my place” the poet signifies that everything on the earth living or non-living, big or small, have their individual reason for existence.

12. What is it that the squirrel doesn’t deny ?

The squirrel doesn’t deny that the mountain makes a very petty squirrel track.

13. How does the squirrel justify the coexistence of different things in the universe ?

The squirrel justifies the coexistence of different things in the universe by referring to everything on the earth have different talents to play and has unique importance of their existence.

14. Which message does the poem convey ?

The poem fable conveys several messages like – i) big things are made of small unit, ii) everything on the world has individual reasons for existence, iii) size doesn’t matter, iv) every one has different talents.

15. How does the mountain make fun of the square ?

The mountain makes fun of the squirrel by telling it a little prig.

16. What must be taken together to make up a year ?

All sort of things and whether must be taken together to make up a year.

17. What is the difference between the squirrel and the mountain ?

The difference between the two is that the squirrel is very small and the mountain is very big.

18. What does the poet signify by “all is well and wisely put” ?

By “all is well and wisely put” the poet signifies that the things on the earth God created have different reasons, purpose and importance behind the existence.

19. Who makes a track for the squirrel ?

The mountain makes a very pretty track for the squirrel.

20. What can the squirrel do that the mountain cannot ?

The squirrel can crack a nut but the mountain cannot do it.

21. Mention two qualities of the mountain.

Two qualities of the mountain are :

i) mountain makes a very pretty squirrel track. ii) the mountain can carry forests on its back.

22. Mention two qualities of the squirrel.

Two qualities of the squirrel are:

i) the squirrel is very spry ii) the squirrel can crack a nut.

True / False:

The squirrel and the mountain were of equal in size. □

The squirrel upholds the fact that talents vary. □

The squirrel is small and sad. □

Mountain called the Squirrel a little bun. □

The mountain is so spry. □

The Squirrel is disgraced of being small. □

The squirrel can make a very pretty track. □

For MCQ Purposes Important Points to Remember :

Little Prig refers to the squirrel and here the Squirrel has been mocked.

The mountain is very big and large.

The quarrel was between the mountain and the squirrel.

The mountain can carry forest on its back and can make pretty squirrel track.

This squirrel cannot carry on its back the forest.

▪︎ the squirrel can crack a nut.

▪︎ the squirrel is small and spry.

Talents differ means talent Vary.

The squirrel called the mountain a little prig.

Spry means- full of life and energy.

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