The Person I Like the Most

Write a paragraph about the person you like the most.
The Person I Like the Most
Everyone in this world has an ideal person whom we like the most. In my case I like my father the best. He is my hero. I learn many things from him. My father name is Mohammed R. He is very special in his thought. The world of his thoughts always surprises me. His outlook for everyone and everything on the earth is different from all. He talks about love and humanity. The lifestyle of my father is very enthusiastic to me. He is very careful and lovable in the entire world. He is the best father in this world. He is my friend. Or one can say I have a very close relationship with my father. I think he loves me not for I am his daughter but he loves me because He is a lover, father, and the best person in this world I know.
By- Fathima Khatun
Dear students, there are some important words and sentences you can use to develop your paragraph writing. These are useful sentences for writing paragraph on the selective subject matter. This will help you build up an idea about Paragraph writing for Class 10 & Class 11.

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