Enough, Some more, Another and Other – English Grammar in Use

Enough We can use enough with a plural or uncountable noun.

● There aren’t enough chairs.

● Is there enough room for all of us?

We can use of for a part quantity.

● I’ve seen enough of this film.

☆Plenty of and too many/much – Plenty of means ‘enough’ or ‘more than enough’.

● There are plenty of jobs available.

● Don’t rush. We’ve got plenty of time.

For ‘more than enough’ as a bad thing, we use too many/much.

● You always take too many clothes on holiday. Why take so many?

● I put too much salt in the soup.

☆ Another and some more –

These express an extra quantity. We use another with a singular noun and some more with a plural or uncountable noun.

● Would you like another sausage?

● Have some more carrots.

● I’ll get some more orange juice. In some contexts →we use any.

● There isn’t any more orange juice.

Another can also mean ‘a different one’.

● I’m going to buy another computer to replace this one.

Before more we can also use a lot, lots, many, much, a few, a little, and a bit.

● I’ve got lots more jobs to do after this.

● Can’t you put a bit more effort into it?

☆Other – Other is an adjective meaning ‘different’ or ‘not the one just mentioned’.

● We crossed to the other side of the road.

● Sarah was there, but I didn’t know any of the other guests.

We can use other without a noun to refer to a thing or a person.

● Take one bag. Give me the other (one).

● One twin is taller than the other (one).

We can use others without a noun for more than one.

● Some pubs serve food, but others don’t.

● I’m early. The others will be here soon.

Number + other means an extra quantity.

● There are four other/four more rooms upstairs.

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