Sea Fever Important Questions Madhyamik Exam 2023

Introduction: Sea Fever by John Masefield expresses the poet’s desire to go to the Seas. Passionate descriptions of the seascape reveals the  eternal Desire of men to seek the Splendor of nature.  All through the poem the poet describe his expectations regarding the voyage on the sea. This poem gives a chance to the reader to know about the life of the sea and how the sea life is enjoyed by the sailor. This poem very beautifully reveals the degree of excitement the poet feels at the anticipations of the call of the sea. The title of the poem is appropriate as the themes of the poem reflect the very subject matter of the poem is contained with. 


I) The excitement the poet feels at the anticipation of a sea voyage

II) The Passionate description of the seascape

III) The eternal desire of man to seek the splendour of nature



The poet asks for a sail the colour of which will be -(i) blue (ii) white (iii) black (iv) grey.

While going down to the sea the poet wants to hear the crying of- (i)eagles (ii) swallows (iii) cuckoos (iv) seagulls.

While going down to the sea, the poet wants a –(i) tall ship (ii)tall sheep (iii) small ship (iv)short sheep.

The poet wants a –(i) windy day (ii) stormy day (iii) rainy day (iv) sunny day.

White clouds Should be – (i) flying (ii) running (iii) laughing. (iv) crying

The wind will be like a – (i) scythe (ii) kite (iii) sword (iv) whetted knife

The word ‘merry yarn’ means – (i) a sweet dream (ii) a sad tale (iii) tales of fairies (iv) a joyous tale of adventure

The phrase ‘the long trick’ suggests – (i) Iong game (ii) long journey (iii) long tale (iv) long life

The poet wants a tale to be told by – (i) a gypsy (ii) a captain (iii) his friend (iv) a sailor.

The call of the running tide is- (i) wild (ii) obscure (iii) unclear (iv) dull

The grey mist on the sea’s face will disappear with the- (i) fall of the evening (ii) daybreak (iii) day turning wildly (iv) tide rising.

The tall ship, the poet hopes, will be guided by- (i) the sea (ii) a planet (iii) a star (iv) grey mist

According to the poet, the clouds will surely fly if the weather is- (i) inclement (ii) clement (iii) friendly

According to the poet, the sea is – (i) lonely (ii) having friends (iii) rough (iv) windy.

The poet will steer the tall ship by the help of a – (i) wheel (ii) wind (iii) star (iv) sail

The colour of the breaking dawn will be – (i) orange (ii) grey (iii) silver (iv) yellow

On a windy day the white clouds will – (i) float (ii) fly (iii) pass (iv) change their colour

The wind on the sea is like a whetted – (i) word (ii) axe (iii) knife (iv) spear

The poet wants to lead a life of a — (i) celebrity (ii) family person (iii) sedentary person (iv) gypsy

Sea gull is a— (i) kind of sea-bird (ii) bird (iii) sea beach (iv) whistle.

The call that is irresistible for the poet is the call of the – (i) bird (ii) sea (iii) music (iv) tide


What cannot the poet deny ?

Or, What type of call is heard by the poet?

What kind of life does the poet prefer’?

Why does the poet compare sea-life to the vagrant gypsy life?

What kind of life does the poet want in the seas?

What does the poet think on the sea’s surface ?

Why does the speaker think of going down to the seas again ?

Or, “I must go down to the seas again” — What does the expression suggest?

Or, Why must the poet go down to the seas again ?

Which kind of vessel does the speaker ask for ?

What does the poet mean by the expression ‘vagrant gypsy life’ ?

What does the poet wish to do after the journey gets over?

Or, What does the poet want after the voyage is over ?

Or, What does the poet expect after the end of his voyage?

Or, What is the poet’s desire after the long sea journey?

What kind of a day does the poet long for going down to the seas?

What, according to the poet, is an ideal situation for the tall ship’s smooth voyage ?

What does the poet prefer to hear from his fellow rover?

Whose help does the poet need to steer his ship?

What will the poet see on a windy day?

What does the poet ask for to steer his ship?

When does the poet want to enjoy quiet sleep?

“And all l ask is a tall ship and a star to guide her” What does the word ‘her’ refer to in the line?

Along with a windy day what does the poet want during his sea voyage ?

How can a star help the poet in his voyage?

What are the scenes that make the poet excited for his journey?

Why does the poet want a windy day for his journey?

☆ Write true or false against the sentence and provide supporting statement:.

The Poet wants to listen to a story from his co-sailor. □

The poet wishes a cloudless and clam day. □

The poet cannot deny the call of the sea. □

To steer the ship, the poet needs the moon. □

The poet asks nothing from his fellow rover. □

The poet does not long for a quiet sleep when a long journey is over. □

The poet is not going to the sea for the first time. □

The poet does not want to sleep when the journey is over. □

The poet does not want any accompanying sailor. □

The poet has gone to the sea several time. □


The poet asks for a sail , the colour of which will be – White

While going down to the sea the poet wants to hear the crying of – seagulls.

While going down to the sea, the poet wants a – Tall ship.

The poet wants a – Windy Day.

White clouds Should be – Flying .

The at dawn would be – grey .

The dawn/ mist is – grey .

Yarn means – tale / story.

Fellow-rover – accompanying sailor.

The wind will be like a – whetted knife / sharpened.

The wind is compared to – Knife.

The word ‘merry yarn’ mean- joyous tale of adventure.

The phrase ‘the long trick’ suggests – long journey.

The poet wants a tale/story to be told by – his friends/ fellow-rover/ accompanying sailor.

The call of the running tide is – Wild and/ Clear call.

The grey mist on the sea’s face will disappear with the – Daybreak.

The tall ship, the poet hopes, will be guided by – A star. (Direction)

The poet asks for a star to – help him steer his ship in the correct direction.

The running tide is calling the poet to – start a sea voyage again.

The word “trick” here means – A Journey.

According to the poet, the sea is / the sea is described as– Lonely.

The poet will steer the tall ship by the help of a – Star.

The colour of the breaking dawn will be – Grey.

On a windy day the white clouds will –Fly.

The poet asks for a – Windy Day.

“…..and a star to steer her by”— Here the word ‘her’ refers – A Ship.

The poet wants to lead a life of a — Gypsy.

The call that is irresistible for the poet is the call of – the Tide.

The poet loves / the poet is fond of – Vagrant Life.

At the end of the journey the poet wants – Quiet Sleep/ and Sweet Dreams. / Peaceful Life.

Cloud are – White.

The poet wants to hear the cry of – Seagulls.

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