Science of Today is Technology of Tomorrow

 “Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world” – Louis Pasteur.

Scientific thought and interest have been at the backbone of mankind’s advancements and progress – be it the discovery of fire, the wheel or the power of nuclear fission. Scientific temperament and an inquisitive mind are essential for the people to move forward, as only a scientific mind can enquire into situations and seek solutions. If Newton had not questioned the falling down of apple instead of going up, he would not have discovered the power of gravity.

Science however is not only about abstract thoughts but also about it’s application in various fields impacting the common man. In science, every discovery is a permanent gain. As Eisntein said, “science of today is the technology of tomorrow”. Development is always linked with technology. Particularly in today’s knowledge based economies, science and technology are the basic pre requisites for development.

Developments in science and technology are fundamentally altering the way people live, connect and communicate with each other. Scientific inventions like electricity, faster means of transport and weather forecasting systems have made lifeeasier and better for the common man who has light at his disposal to study, travel faster for business and is pre-warned about disasters. I

nnovations in various sectors are helping young entrepreneurs to upgrade their skills and initiate start ups. India, a food importer at one time, is now not only self sufficient but is also able to export food items thanks to the Green Revolution. Scientific discoveries have helped farmers raise better crops at a faster pace, thus solving the problem of food shortage.

Scientific breakthroughs have revolutionized healthcare by equipping medical practitioners with tools to gather information, make well informed decisions and treat critical diseases. From simple cataract operations to major heart transplants, advancements in medical technologies have contributed to improving quality of human life and increasing life expectancy.

Technological advancements have taken education to the doorstep of students in far flung areas. On the one hand digitisation has enabled children in remote areas to access education material through internet, on the other hand invention of newer and interesting tools of teaching have made boring classes and writing on the blackboard a thing of the past. The world has indeed opened up and come closer to such children.

Defence applications are also being adapted to societal development and civilian use. Bullet proof jackets, farming in high altitudes, multi insect repellents, food poison detection kits, etc are some of the outcomes of research and development in defence which are also being put to use in civilian sector. So far as space technology is concerned, India is considered as the leader in area of impacting day to day life through application programmes like tele-education and telemedicine. So is the case with nuclear technology. Hiroshima and Nagasaki had made atomic power one of the most dreaded words in lhe lexicon.

But, thanks to our scientists, the power of the atom is now harnessed and used as nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Health, agriculture, food preservation, energy are some of the areas hugely benefitted by nuclear innovations.

Science and technology have proved to be a boon to human life. A nation which does not promote scientific thinking lags behind the race for development. Science for development is the slogan for the future.

NOTE : For elaborating your answer, please include current science and technological development and innovations.

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