Mobile reading applications

African Storybook â€” Open access to picture storybooks in 189 African languages.

Biblioteca Digital del Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicación Educativa â€” Offers free access to Spanish language works and book collections for students and teaching staff in schools and universities

Global Digital Library â€” Digital storybooks and other reading materials easily accessible from mobile phones or computers. Available in 43 languages.

Interactive Learning Program â€” Mobile app in Arabic to advance reading, writing and numeracy skills created by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

Reads â€” Digital stories with illustrations in multiple languages.

Room to Read â€” Resources to develop the literacy skills of children and youth with specialized content to support girls.

StoryWeaver â€” Digital repository of multilingual stories for children.

Worldreader â€” Digital books and stories accessible from mobile devices and functionality to support reading instruction. Available in 52 languages.

Note : The list of educational applications, platforms and resources above aim to help parents, teachers, schools and school administrators facilitate student learning and provide social care and interaction during periods of school closure. Most of the solutions curated are free and many cater to multiple languages. While these solutions do not carry my explicit endorsement, they tend to have a wide reach, a strong user-base and evidence of impact. They are categorized based on distance learning needs, but most of them offer functionalities across multiple categories.

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