External repositories of distance learning solutions

Brookings â€” A catalogue of nearly 3,000 learning innovations. Not all of them are distance learning solutions, but many of them offer digital education content.

Common Sense Education â€” Tips and tools to support school closures and transitions to online and at-home learning.

Commonweatlh of Learning â€” List of resources for policymakers, school and college administrators, teachers, parents and learners that will assist with student learning during the closure of educational institutions.

Education Nation â€” Nordic countries have opened up their learning solutions for the world for free, supporting teachers and learners during the school closures.

EdSurge â€” Community-driven list of edtech products, including many distance learning resources for students, teachers and schools, covering primary to post-secondary education levels.

European Commission Resources â€” A collection of online platforms for teachers and educators, available in 23 EU languages.

GDL Radio: a collection of radio and audio instruction resources.

Global Business Coalition for Education â€” List of e-learning platforms, information sharing platform and communication platforms.

Keep Learning Going â€” Extensive collection free tools, strategies, tips and best practices for teaching online from a coalition of USA-based education organizations. Includes descriptions of over 600+ digital learning solutions.

Koulu.me â€” A collection of apps and pedagogical solutions curated by Finnish edtech companies to facilitate distance for pre-primary to upper secondary learners.

Organisation internationale de la Francophonie: Resources for primary and secondary school students and teachers for learning and teaching French.

Profuturo Resources: Spanish language resources in different subject areas for primary and secondary school students.

UNEVOC Resources â€” Tools, guides, MOOCS and other resources collected by UNESCO’s International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training for continued learning in the area of TVET.

UNHCR â€” An extensive list of over 600 distance learning solutions from the United Nations agency for refugees.

Note : The list of educational applications, platforms and resources above aim to help parents, teachers, schools and school administrators facilitate student learning and provide social care and interaction during periods of school closure. Most of the solutions curated are free and many cater to multiple languages. While these solutions do not carry my explicit endorsement, they tend to have a wide reach, a strong user-base and evidence of impact. They are categorized based on distance learning needs, but most of them offer functionalities across multiple categories.

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